
Welcome to our online process-theology discussion group. 

For those of you who are new, I am Dr. Blair Reynolds.  I am a process theologian and also a theologian-in-residence for our congregation. This blog grew out of my monthly column for the newsletter.  The goal is a more integrative dialogue on process.  I will discuss on line with you the questions and comments you submit and then present a monthly synopsis in the newsletter.  

For those of you who are unfamiliar with process theology, it is a major movement in contemporary theology.  Primarily it is concerned with giving the doctrine of God a major facelift.  Traditionally, God was viewed as static and aloof, the Unmoved Mover.  In process, God is the Most Moved Mover.  God and the universe are mutually interdependent.  God grows as the world goes, you might say.  Most importantly is the notion that God does coerce us along.  God is not a Cosmic Dictator. God is Cosmic artist, luring creatures  along by visions of greater beauty. This lure is felt by all because all things in all their aspects consist exclusively of souls. 

Two major figures in process thought are Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) and the famous American philosopher Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000), who was also a Unitarian.


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